Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Homework Ideas

Homework for KB

·       Read for 15-20 minutes together.  After every page, have your child tell you about what you just read.  Discuss unfamiliar words.  Make predictions.  Ask questions.
·       Practice the high frequency words together.  These are on the calendar for the month and can be found on our calendar on the website as well.  You can play memory match, go fish, make the words with play-doh, etc... to practice READING the words.  Students will be tested on the words.  I will have a list of words and each student will read them to me.  I will wait no more than 5 seconds because they should instantly recognize the word.
Look at our learning calendar.  Pick a topic and do an activity together from math, science, or social studies. 
In math, we’re always working on numbers, graphing, making patterns, measurement, and shapes.  So you could:
·       Make a graph together
·       Look for a pattern in everyday life
·       Measure an object with pennies
·       Look for 5 around you:  5 ants, 5 pennies, a nickel, 5 cheerios, etc...
·       Go on a shape hunt
·       Make a book about shapes
In science and social studies, check our learning calendar and reinforce a concept.  For example, if we’re doing the five senses, have a “taste test” and use your sense of taste to identify foods...
For Social studies, your family could check out a book about the current holiday and read it together.  Many of our units involve holidays.  In October, you could discuss being safe during trick or treating.  In November, you could read about Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving, and Native Americans.
Another homework idea is to play games together.  It’s a great way for your child to practice taking turns, counting spaces, and following rules.  Plus, it’s fun! 
Have FUN learning together!!!

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