Friday, October 21, 2011

We made applesauce!

 First, Miss Kirsten sliced and cored the apples.  Then she peeled them and chopped the slices into smaller pieces.

 Then, we poured the sliced apples into the crock pot.  The crock pot setting was turned to low.  We also added 4 1/2 tsp. of brown sugar, 1 1/3 c. of water, 1 1/2 tsp. of vanilla and the juice from 2 1/2 lemons.  Then, we stirred it up.
 We checked on it every 30 minutes to an hour and stirred it.  The apples began to get mushy.

About 30 minutes before it was time to eat it, we added another TB. of brown sugar and a dash of cinnamon.  The applesauce smelled wonderful!

After it had cooked on low for about 5 hours, Miss Kirsten gave everyone a bowl of applesauce to try.  First, we had to let it cool down a bit (just like the 3 bears).

We loved it!

Many of us got seconds!

We love cooking in the classroom!

Applesauce is great!

Here is the recipe in case you'd like to try it:

9 large apples, skinned, cored, and cut into pieces
2-1/2 lemons, juiced
1-1/2 tsp vanilla
4-1/2 tbsp brown sugar
1-1/3 cup water

Mix all the ingredients together in your crock-pot and cook on low for 4 to 6 hours! Mash all together and add in another tbsp of brown sugar and a dash of cinnamon. Cook for another 20 minutes.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Fire Safety

October is fire safety month.  We've been learning about staying safe if there's ever a fire.  It's a good time to check the batteries in all the smoke detectors in your home.  Also, does your family have a fire escape plan?  Have you practiced it?  I remember my dad showing us how to open the iron bars (on the window) and letting us practice exiting through the window.  That was a while ago and I still remember it!!!  I learned how to actually go through the window.  It wasn't so scary.  If it's possible, have your child practice exiting through the window in his or her bedroom.

I found a website about fire safety that your family could look at together.   There are stories, games, and activities.   The address is:

Have fun and be safe!